• Aug 4 2024 - 11:14
  • بازدید: 186
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 minute(s)
International Affairs

International Webinar on Transforming Rehabilitation Practices and Education in the AI Era

The Smart University of Medical Sciences, in collaboration with ECOSF, is organizing a webinar titled "Transforming Rehabilitation Practices and Education in the AI Era"

The Smart University of Medical Sciences, in collaboration with ECOSF, is set to host an international webinar titled "Transforming Rehabilitation Practices and Education in the AI Era." Scheduled for August 6, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM IRST (7:30 to 9:30 AM GMT), this event will delve into the innovations and applications of artificial intelligence in the realm of rehabilitation and its education.


Key Topics of the Webinar:

  • Introduction to AI and Gen AI (key concepts)
  • Applications of AI in Rehabilitation (physical, cognitive, speech)
  • Applications of Gen AI in Rehabilitation (personalized programs, enhancing patient engagement)
  • Impact of AI on Rehabilitation Education (curriculum design, training tools, content creation)
  • Case Studies and Success Stories (stroke rehabilitation, speech therapy, etc.)
  • Q&A Session



  • Dr. Seyed Ahmad Ahmadi
    • Vice Chancellor for International Affairs at Smart University of Medical Sciences (SMUMS)
    • Associate Professor of Health Policy at Iran University of Medical Sciences
    • Webinar Moderator


  • Dr. Reza Beikzadeh
    • International AI Consultant and Advisor
    • Webinar Presenter


Webinar link: https://tinyurl.com/5fmydsmc
Zoom ID: 842 5108 7468
Password: 427402

This webinar provides an excellent opportunity for enthusiasts and professionals in the field of rehabilitation to acquaint themselves with the latest achievements and applications of artificial intelligence in this domain and to benefit from the knowledge and experiences of distinguished speakers.


Contact Information:

  • Vice Chancellor for International Affairs, Smart University of Medical Sciences: +9821 88 59 40 51
  • گروه خبری : International
کلمات کلیدی:
Nasrin Rouzbahani

Nasrin Rouzbahani



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